Carer’s Grant from the Labour Office

Legal guardians in Slovakia who care for a child with a disability with the status of a refugee from Ukraine are entitled to an assessment for a care allowance from the Labour Office of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic. Depending on the degree of disadvantage of the child, this allowance may be EUR 300 or EUR 508 per month (as of 1 January 2023).

For more information on this type of support, visit the website of the Labour Office.

To assess your eligibility for this allowance, you can contact the Labour Office near where you live.

Other benefits from the Labour Office for the Disabled are currently available only for those Ukrainian emigrants who have temporary or permanent residence in Slovakia.

Children attending nursery, primary or secondary school and are members of households, which are eligible to the state material need benefit, can also obtain the meal and school supplies allowance (the application is sent by the guarantor). To get the meal allowance, it is necessary to ask for information by the child´s enrolment to nursery or primary school, while the guarantor or the Office will provide more information about the process.

See also:

Detailed information and the application form are available on the website of the Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family

Contacts and opening hours of the Offices of Labour, Social Affairs and Family: